Attention Music Artists, Film/TV Actors, and Stage Performers...Build Your Brand and Maximize Your Income Starting Today

Join The Donnell J. Shaw & Associates Entertainer Development Ecosystem

Entertainer Development Ecosystem

The key to having a successful career in the entertainment and performing arts industries is to follow a proven success system.  This success system must be all-inclusive and cover 3 critical domains: (1) Entertainment, (2) Education, and (3) Asset Management.

D.J. Shaw & Associates offers a comprehensive and expansive Entertainer Development Ecosystem (EDE) which focuses on the 3 critical domains as well as other associated subjects and topics.

Through our EDE we can take your entertainment brand and business to the next level in a short period of time. 


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 As an entertainer that wants to be recognized in the entertainment industry, you first begin with what part of the industry, in particular, you want to establish yourself in. What are your talents singing, dancing, acting, We help you identify your true strengths. Once we help you identify then we customize your experience based on your goals as an act, we then develop a pursuit strategy for the area you want to explore. Booking shows, media campaigns, interviews, etc. Raise your brand awareness in the market.



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We provide you with instruction in truly having an in-depth understanding of the creative as well as the business clarity you need to create the greatest possibility of success in your chosen area of pursuit. We provide training in speech, speaking engagements, media campaigns, interviews, marketing strategies, and a plethora of various tools and strategies to give you the best chance of success as an artist, or entertainer.

Asset Management

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This part of our offering includes understanding what developing a wealth plan looks like in the areas of acquisition of appreciating assets as you become capable. It begins with having the right mindset about wealth creation. This is a customizable approach based on the artist's desire and acquisition ability which we help them recognize.


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